Warbler on a Cactus

My painting today is a composite and painting.  The cactus image was captured last year at the botanical gardens.  It was shoot with a very narrow depth of field so only the orange flower was in focus.  The warbler is also from the gardens at the bird blind but on…


Bear Hunting

Today I worked on a composite and painting.  I was trying to paint the bear with several layers and test different techniques to get more texture in the fur when painting.  It wasn’t that successful.  But.. that is why we try new things.. some work.. some don’t.  This guy is…


Military Backdrop for Portraits

I’ve started a new project; building backgrounds for portraits.  There are hundreds of commercial backgrounds available for your kids photos and several photographers sell backgrounds for senior portraits as well.  But there aren’t a lot of themed backgrounds for military or first responders if they want to have their studio…


I Got This Momma!

Today’s post is a composite and digital painting I captured the image of the cows a couple years ago south of San Antonio near Poteet Texas while out on one of my spring wildflower shoots.  I always loved the expression on the little cow’s face like he was going to…


God Bless TEXAS!

This painting is of an image I captured at the Texas Photo Festival a couple years ago.  I painted it with a couple different brushes.  The primary brushes was an oil brush which I used on the flag and all the wood.  I used a different brush on the rope…
