Luminosity and Contrast

Luminosity and Contrast

I purchased an ebook the other night and I’m about 60% finished reading it.  I have always loved the simplicity of Black and White photography and this book has definitely inspired me to return to another one of my photography loves, landscape photography in black in white.  While I have…


Buggy Barn – Blanco Texas

Yesterday – September 11th, in remembrance of 9/11, the Buggy Barn in Blanco Texas opened their gates to the public for a dedication and appreciation ceremony for Law Enforcement and First Responders.  It was a wonderful event with western shows, flag raisings, storytelling, a flag retirement ceremony and more.  They…


Reprocessing Old Images

I’ve started to reprocess images from trips I took 10 years ago. Cameras weren’t nearly as good as they are today, but the post processing capabilities are light years more advanced. And, my skill in using these tools is definitely better today than it was in 2011 when I took…
