Tropical Plant

I went to the botanical gardens Friday to practice getting some images with a shallow depth of field background. I used my 400 lens and I also had my 90mm macro lens with me. The previous trip, my apertures were set too high and I ended up with too much…


The Offering

Today, a composite instead of a painting.  I posted this on Instagram yesterday, but I didn’t like the ground under the squirrels so I put a dirt overlay pattern on it in softlight and transformed the perspective.  I like it much better than the one yesterday.  I also fixed the…


Elephants At Dusk

This composite is painted in Photoshop with a couple of different mixer brushes.  The background was painted with a very loose under painting brush and the elephants were painted with a much more dry textured brush.  The grass was added with a brush I built from a hair brush where…


Warbler on a Cactus

My painting today is a composite and painting.  The cactus image was captured last year at the botanical gardens.  It was shoot with a very narrow depth of field so only the orange flower was in focus.  The warbler is also from the gardens at the bird blind but on…


Bear Hunting

Today I worked on a composite and painting.  I was trying to paint the bear with several layers and test different techniques to get more texture in the fur when painting.  It wasn’t that successful.  But.. that is why we try new things.. some work.. some don’t.  This guy is…
