The Offering

Today, a composite instead of a painting.  I posted this on Instagram yesterday, but I didn’t like the ground under the squirrels so I put a dirt overlay pattern on it in softlight and transformed the perspective.  I like it much better than the one yesterday.  I also fixed the…


Elephants At Dusk

This composite is painted in Photoshop with a couple of different mixer brushes.  The background was painted with a very loose under painting brush and the elephants were painted with a much more dry textured brush.  The grass was added with a brush I built from a hair brush where…


Warbler on a Cactus

My painting today is a composite and painting.  The cactus image was captured last year at the botanical gardens.  It was shoot with a very narrow depth of field so only the orange flower was in focus.  The warbler is also from the gardens at the bird blind but on…
